Avicennia alba  Blume
Avicennia alba Blume 

Tall tree, upto 25 m high, bark dark greyish, lenticillate smooth, not fissured. 
Thin pencil like pneumatophores, upto 30 cm long, with little secondary thickening, occasionally or sporadically stilt roots can grow for additional support in the loosely consolidated soil and when they grow on the river slopes 
Leaves 12 - 15 cm long and 2.5 - 3.5 cm broad, usually pointed apically, pale green above but silvery grey or white beneath. 
Flowers 1.0 - 1.5 cm diam. tetramerous; corolla yellow, glabrous within 
Fruit 4 cm long conical, each capsule containing 4 seeds 
Seeds flattened, 3 - 2 cm length within the testa 
Seed germination epigeal or modified epigeal; crypto-viviparous or incipient viviparous. 

Economic Importance : Produce fire wood, timber and bark tannin